
GIMP: GPS English User Guide

Hello everybody,
I can finally announce the original GPS manual in English. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks to those who have worked to make a good translation. The manual is completely revised and reorganized. In addition, this manual includes steps for both windows and linux OS. This will cover more people. I have tried everything to correct this guide as well as possible, but if you see a bug do not hesitate to send me a mail.We will gradually improve the documentation. This is important because many of the developers of GIMP communicate in English. So with this step we have a guide that can reach many more people including themselves.

Regardless, I hope you enjoy it

If you prefer it ,you can download the PDF printable version clicking here

Hola a todos,
por fin puedo anunciar el manual de GPS en inglés. Espero que lo disfrutéis . Gracias a las personas que han colaborado para poder realizar una buena traducción. El manual está completamente revisado y reorganizado. Además este manual incluye los pasos tanto para windows como linux. Así se abarca a más personas. He tratado de que este todo correcto, pero si veis algún fallo no dudeis en mandarme un mail. Iremos corrigiendo y mejorando poco a poco la documentación. Este es un paso importante , pues muchos de los desarrolladores de GIMP se comunican en inglés. Así con este paso tenemos un maual que puede llegar a mucha más gente incluidos ellos.

Lo dicho, Espero que lo disfruteis

6 comentarios:

  1. so, nice to see the progress.

    I have inlclued GPS into openArtist, a linux distrubution for creative people.
    See http://www.openartisthq.org

    This means there is a debian package, where GPS is bundled with gimp-painter (that is a hack of gimp from japanese guys which provides two extra tools in the toolbar, especially for drawing.)
    You can download that debian package here: http://www.openartisthq.org/debian/binary and install it in every recent ubuntu version.

    greets from austra,

  2. Ramón,

    Gracias por estos manuales, son como dicen ustedes, la hostia,

    Por cierto, el problema de la velocidad: resuelto!!


  3. Hi cellstorm i´m going to move this comment to the front page becouse it deserves a complete post.
    Thanks to promote GPS. i am studing your distro and i see there is an entry at blendernation, where people are giving you thumbs up. So thanks for your work too,.

    best regards.

  4. Me alegro que hayas resuelto el problema de la velocidad. Ahora disfrutarás más de gimp+GPS.

    Gracias por el follow. Espero que los contenidos del blog sigan siendo de tu agrado.Seguro que podemos aprender un montón de cosas.Si tienes sugerencias no dudes en comentarlas.

  5. Ramon!
    Thanks for this great set of tools! This is really going to go a long way to making GIMP a serious digital art tool (not that it wasn't already). Great work and thanks for making me smile this morning! :)

  6. I am happy to hear that! smile is very important. and yes , it will be a long way. but it is worth for.

