
Gimp Paint Studio goes PPA now in ubuntu

Hi all, i received this morning on my e-mail a message from Mozart Couto, telling me about a new on this web. a must for ubuntu users as i see.

I am still learning linux so i don´t know how to mke a ppa, but other guy has done for me.  kudos for Sergey "Shnatsel" Davidoff for the great effort he has done. really apreciated.
also Thanks to Andrew, the editor of WEB UPD8 have reported on my twitter ,this way more users will know about the ppa.

The article is clear, and with all the terminal commands written to be "copy-pasted". so now it is very easy for linux users to have all these tools in their hands. 

take care.

2 comentarios:

  1. Gracias!
    Web Upd8 es siempre un sitio de referencia para los Linuxeros.

  2. Pues aprovechando que he puesto el nuevo Ubuntu, he aprovechado para instalarlo. Cuando terminé de instalar lo probaré ;)
