El objetivo era capturar ese ultimo momento cuando ves a alguien importante por ultima vez.
El trasfondo es que estaba probando un poco un pincel llamado "Pencil texture" y viendo como le afectaban modificaciones activando rotacion / por Random Dab, El tamaño on/off y un poco de toqueteo en las curvas. Algunas veces se añade mucha versatilidad sin esfuerzo.
Espero que os guste y gracias por comentar o compartir.
English Readers:
Hi, today Black and white like some feelings sometimes. In this case i have used charcoal style. Title is "Remember me" and the goal was to capture this last moment when you see someone important for the last time. How do you think i could give more emotional impact?
The underpainting was i was experimenting a bit with only one brush called "pencil texture" and tried some modifications basically activating Rotation by random dab, Size on/off, and a bit of curve tweaking. Sometimes we add a lot of versatility with no effort.
Thanks for sharing and comments