
Krita training vol. 2 : "Muses". DVD covers and Thoughts!

These images are done with Krita. "Krita? This is not Photoshop?"

Hi all!
Often i am asked about "Why i contribute to opensource projects?" The answer is simple.

 "Because i love what i do and i search the best place to put my efforts on. I know that my work help others as others works help me too. Is about feelings and be part of the community"

Privative software does nothing for me. It doesn´t promotes microeconomy, doesn´t promotes free evolution... but I am not going to enter into the classic "Open vs Privative" is not the idea of the post. (maybe in comments if you want).

One of the projects that i like is Krita. And is a very good example of how a project can evolve along the years. Do you remember the old releases years ago?  Krita was unknown, unstable, a bit ugly but with a good lion-heart inside. The idea "A painting program designed specially to fit the needs of comic artists, and painters among others", captured my attention.
Previously i was in charge of the Gimp Studio Project.  thought it would be better for the community if i spend more time in krita.

So i started to collaborate with the project. and then The Krita Foundation decided to sponsor my work with the DVD: "Krita Training vol2. Muses"

first of all i would like to thank the people who purchased the DVD. I really apreciated their support.. I hope this project helpe Krita to be more known in the world because i think it deserves it.

Do you know the DVD?

The Previous illustrations are done with Krita. The DVD covers the entire process from scratch to final artwork. It is full of interesting contents explained with practical examples. so if you want to know more about the DVD and purchase it don´t doub it. Each pen goes to the project and you can be sure Krita will improve more and more ...what a good feeling! more users, more feedback means better application.

And now some thoughts you may want to consider...

Why Krita is evolving so fast?

To be honest, I think Money is a good reason. Your money, interest, and promotion. So YOU have the ability to make the project even better and better,  The foundation provides the money to cover the needs of the project. Lately coders are needed. more coders, more releases. period.

So What do we need right now? 

Code! more promotion and Krita used in more real-productions.

What can we do in future?

Everything you can imagine! we have no chains of privative softwares and that is an incredible power.
We can have problems with limitations in knowledge or resources for sure, but those can be tricked, or even improved. Let me give you an example. Imagine the impasto feature on brushes. Z-brush born this way... by accident!. They were exploring a new way to paint surfaces with Z-depth and now they are the reference on the film and videogame industry.
Now we are exploring possibilities with Resource manager system. And packages to make even easier the sharing.

so now is your turn. Give some love to Krita and Krita will love you more.

Ok, I want to help. 

Just go here and give us some love. https://krita.org/support-us/donations/

Thanks a lot for your support and for reading all the post ;)  stay tuned for new contents.