Hola a todos,
Desde la salida de gimp 2.8 he recibido bastantes mails pidiendo ayuda pra instalar el pack Gimp Paint Studio. El problema es que no se pueden usar los presets de GPS 1.5 en gimp 2.8 porque la forma en que Gimp maneja ahora las dinámicas es muy diferente a como lo hacía antes. Esto nos da la ventaja de tener muchas más opciones pero exige que los presets se tengan que rehacer. Y eso es lo que he estado haciendo. Rehacer todas las dinámicas.
¿Qué ha cambiado en GPS para Gimp
sabías usar GPS antes no te va a costar hacerte a los cambios.
Algunos aspectos importantes.
- He creado subcarpetas con categorías con el prefijo GPS- ****. De esta forma es mucho más facil de organizar.
- Cada Preset tiene un fichero parejo de Dinamicas por muy simple o repetido que pueda estar. ¿por qué? Esto ofrece más flexibilidad a la hora de personalizar los presets, y que cada preset de GPS sea independiente.Eso sí, he tratado que los nombres sean lo más descriptivos, simples y no repetidos dentro de todo el set GPS.
- No he cambiado demasiado los presets anteriores para mantener la continuidad, aunque he visto que algunos sobran o se puede prescindir de ellos. Por si acaso los he dejado.
Si creeis que los recursos que se
ofrecen en este blog os son de utilidad , o el proyecto GPS merece
vuestro apoyo, podeis considerar hacer una donacion a la cuenta
PayPal. Muchas gracias por el apoyo.
PD: por si quereis ver como va , un adelanto con el grupo de Sketch. y un WIP.
Hi all,
Since the release of GIMP 2.8 I have received many emails asking for help to install the pack Gimp Paint Studio. The problem is that you cant use the GPS presets gimp 1.5 on 2.8 because the way Gimp handles the dynamics is very different than it did before. This gives us the advantage of having many more options but requires that the presets have to be redone. And that's what I've been doing. Redoing all the dynamics.
What has changed in GPS for Gimp 2.8?
If you knew how to use GPS before is not difficult to understand the changes. Some important aspects.
If you believe that the resources offered in this blog you are useful, or the GPS project deserves your support, you can consider making a donation to the PayPal account. Thank you very much for the support.
PS: if you want to see how it goes, an advance group Sketch. and a WIP.
PD: por si quereis ver como va , un adelanto con el grupo de Sketch. y un WIP.
Hi all,
Since the release of GIMP 2.8 I have received many emails asking for help to install the pack Gimp Paint Studio. The problem is that you cant use the GPS presets gimp 1.5 on 2.8 because the way Gimp handles the dynamics is very different than it did before. This gives us the advantage of having many more options but requires that the presets have to be redone. And that's what I've been doing. Redoing all the dynamics.
What has changed in GPS for Gimp 2.8?
If you knew how to use GPS before is not difficult to understand the changes. Some important aspects.
- I created subfolders with categories prefixed with GPS-****. This makes it much easier to organize.
- Each preset has a file of Dynamics . Why? This offers more flexibility to customize the presets, each preset is independent GPS.Of course, I tried that the names are as descriptive, simple, and not repeated within the whole set GPS.
- I have not changed too much earlier presets to maintain continuity
If you believe that the resources offered in this blog you are useful, or the GPS project deserves your support, you can consider making a donation to the PayPal account. Thank you very much for the support.
PS: if you want to see how it goes, an advance group Sketch. and a WIP.