
NEW contest 2010 . Alice ,au pays ... de votre imaginaire

The link to the contest. 

David Revoy has made an excellent job so i think it will be a good idea to publish a bit through my blog and because he is a good artist, he has published a beautifull high res version, with all details intact. Lovely piece.
I wanted to update a bit my thread with my last personnal job done mainly with mypaint. Here is one picture done for a contest on the community 3DVF about "Alice in wonderland".   

...And the post on Mypaint Forums where you can see the image in details . and get feedback As he said , the image was mainly made with Mypaint . Good job!David and good luck !


MyPaint Videotutorials "Understanding Brushes"

Here we go! Grin Grin
This is a serie of tutorials to show people how my brushes work on mypaint (and also lot of different things mypaint related.). It will cover since the basics to advanced stuff, while i explain the uses of different brushes. Hope you like it.  Wink . there i will explain thinks like noise tracking, jitter, inverted pressure , fine speed ...and more

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Part 6:

Part 7:

Part 8:

End of the course for now. i hope this will help you. byeee
Take care


MyPaint Tutorial. " Painting a cormorant "

Hi all, 
Navigating through  MyPaint forum i just discovered an small tutorial about "how to paint a cormorant" . i found it very interesting and simple for new users, so i asked for permission to post here. The tutorial is mainly focus as he said on "this tutorial is less about constructing and lighting a cormorant and more about expressing the shapes and colors of something you see."He is using the default round & flat brushes (dry&wet), the 6B pencil and the hard lines detail brush thing.

MayPaint is a very interesting software. If you try it ,you love it.

check it out here: http://globaloid.blogspot.com/2010/04/mypaint-tutorial-painting-cormorant.html 
Result (~45 min):

Cheers and thanks for the program, I like it a lot!

MyPaint Download here:

Some images from the same author, Ilmari Heikkinen


Meet The artist... Jose Americo Gobbo

Hola a todos,
Este post está dedicado a una de las personas que me ha ayudado con el proyecto GPS (gimp paint studio).Jose Americo Gobbo.

Hace tiempo que empezó mi andadura con el Gimp y desde entonces muchas cosas han cambiado. De vez en cuando es bueno echar la vista a tras para ver los resultados. Y la verdad es que Jose es una parte importante. Su aporte a GPS ,a parte de los animos y algunas buenas conversaciones, ha sido muy generoso en el tema de pinceles.
Concretamente en lo relacionado a las herramientas de Sketching. Hace tiempo Jose y Yo empezamos a hablar acerca de crear unos pinceles para simular lapiceros y medios secos como el pastel. Asi que se puso manos a la obra y empezo a mandarme pinceles animados en bruto, como los llamo yo, sin dinamicas asignadas ni los parametros seteados. A partir de ahi y tras mucha experimentacion fuimos descartando lo que nos parecia peor y quedandonos con lo que creiamos que era mas fiel a la realidad. Al final le presente sus pinceles convertidos en presets y de ahi nacieron los sketching presets. (Mozart Couto tambien aporto sus pinceles, otro dia hablamos de él).

En su blog podeis hallar mas información acerca de este artista. Tambien hay una gran cantidad de pinturas y dibujos con su propio estilo. Aqui os dejo con las direcciones.
Sitio web: 

English Readers:

Hello everyone,
This post is dedicated to one of the people who helped me with the project GPS (gimp paint studio). Jose Americo Gobbo.

Long ago began my journey with the Gimp and since then many things have changed. Occasionally it is good to take the following view to see the results. And the truth is that Jose is an important part. His contribution to GPS, apart from the spirits and some good conversations, has been very generous on the subject of brushes.

Specifically as it relates to Sketching tools. Jose long ago and I started talking about creating a few pens and brushes to simulate dry environments such as cake. So I went to work and began to send raw animated brushes, as I call it, without dynamic parameters assigned or setpoint. From there and after much experimentation we were discarding what seemed worse and we keep what we thought it was more faithful to reality. Finally I converted this his brushes presets and presets sketching were born there. (Mozart Couto also brings their brushes, the other day talking about it.)

On his blog you can find more information about this artist. There is also a large number of paintings and drawings with his own style. Here I leave you with directions.

facebook. http://www.facebook.com/rabisco?ref=sgm


The Libre Graphics Meeting (LGM) is an annual working conference for free software graphics application users and developers. The fifth edition takes place 27-30 May 2010 in Brussels, Belgium. Teams from GIMP, Inkscape, Blender, Krita, Scribus, Hugin, Open Font Library and many other graphics projects gather to improve their software and discuss new ideas for interoperability and shared standards.
We aim to raise 10.000$ to help cover travel costs for volunteer developers and presenters that would otherwise be unable to journey to Belgium. Support the development of a Free, Libre and Open Source application-ecosystem and make a donation!
All donations are tax deductible for US taxpayers. Larger donations from corporations and individuals can be done through this website or contact us directly at lgm@gnome.org

Click here to lend your support to: Libre Graphics Meeting 2010 and make a donation at www.pledgie.com !

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